Random thoughts while traveling

We were in Venice, I think, when I realized something. Looking around for someone who spoke English, I saw faces that looked like they could be American, so I strained to listen for their words. However, in every case, a different language came out of their mouths!

I’d even see a face that reminded me of someone back home, and I’d halfway expect them to be American, but again, they started talking and another language came out — Italian, French, what sounded like German or Dutch maybe. It was such an odd thing!

Perhaps we all get into strange territory and look for something familiar.

My other thoughts were that I was looking into the ancestral faces of Americans, which was both an obvious yet new experience for us! From that point on, I’m playing a bit of a game in my head when I see a face that looks familiar, and then I try to guess if that person will be Italian, French, etc. Then I can hear if the language matches up to my friend’s heritage that they resemble.

This happened in Venice with Agnes, who reminded us of Declan’s organ teacher. When I messaged her to tell her, she said it made sense because her family’s roots are Eastern European (and Agnes was from Hungary).

In all of these faces, however, I have yet to see my own. Being somewhat of a “mutt” and only vaguely knowing we’re Scotch-Irish, I’m curious to see as we travel and eventually get to London, if there are reflections of my own appearance and ancestors.

Anyway, I told you these were random thoughts, those probably only had by novice travelers to Europe!

As we said “ciao” and “gratzie mille” to the inn’s owners in Moneglia today, I had to take a pic, partly because they were so kind and helpful and partly because the man reminded me of Mr. Barra, my friend Marne’s dad. She may not think so from the photo, but even his mannerisms were similar, having a quiet confidence and gentle yet strong presence.

I already posted these next pix on Facebook, but here are views out of opposite sides of the train today — mountains and sea. It’s such an enjoyable ride and makes it fun to travel, read, and have a cappuccino.

Oops–I almost forgot to tell you that this is a train we almost missed!! Our connecting train in Sestri Levante was running late, so we had be ready to hop off that train, quickly look at the departure board and find the platform, and then run super fast underneath and find the platform and then make a mad dash onto the train, with Scott double-checking that we were hopping onto the correct one. Whew!!!!! Scott and I were out of breath (Declan was looking at us like “no big deal” and “why are you panting?🤣”). Once we found our coach and seats, we heard the announcement that train 143 was now departing. Wait, what? Our train was 144!😳 Scott found the middle of the train where the cafe cart was and asked; thankfully, trains 143 and 144 were the same. Whew again!!!

So it’s not all as dreamy as it seems!! This kind of travel and adventure isn’t for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. 😁

Once again, ciao!

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